Primary Member | Person joining Club by paying full Member dues. Must be 21 years of age or older and a Member of the NRA for the entire PSC Membership year that ends on June 30th of the membership year; |
Associate Member | Spouse of a Primary Member who attends New Member Orientation and pays a nominal Associate Member fee. Must be 21 years of age or older and a Member of the NRA for the entire PSC Membership year that ends on June 30th of the membership year; |
Family Member | The spouse (other than an Assoc. Member) and children of the Primary Member under age 21 years and living in the Primary Member’s home (age 23 if a full time college student); |
“Cold" Range | All firearms must be unloaded unless on a “hot” range and then only when the shooter is cleared to fire. (See exception Safety Rule 1(A)&(B).) |
“Safe” range | A range, cell or bay that has not been cleared for live fire; |
“Hot” range | A range, cell or bay that has cleared for live fire; |
Unloaded firearm | A handgun, rifle or shotgun with no ammunition anywhere in the gun; |
Approved Instructor | An instructor that has been vetted by the PSC Board and whose name is listed on the PSC Approved Instructor List; |
Range Officer (RO) | A Member who has been approved by the PSC Board or its designee to serve as a Club Range Officer; |
On-Duty RO | A Range Officer working under the direction of the PSC Board Member responsible for the Club RO Program; |
ARO | “Acting Range Officer” A Member who is serving as a temporary Range Officer for a pistol bay or cell, or on Range 1, 3 or 4. |
Club Safety Rules and Administrative Rules are set out below. They apply to all Members and their guests at all times except during matches, programs and special events approved by the Board. Those sanctioned events often operate under different temporary rules and guidelines. For example, during USPSA and IDPA matches, the target stands are moved and individual targets are used. Steel targets are often used for the Juniors Program and in USPSA and IDPA matches. Do not be confused by these special rules. They apply only under specific conditions and under the watchful eye of Safety Officers for these matches, program and events.
Club Safety Rules – PSC Shooting Club
- PSC allows for the lawful carry of loaded handguns, but the gun MUST stay in a holster unless on a firing line.
- Except as set out in 2(E) below, when not firing, all firearms must be made safe by unloading them and:
- Handguns must be on a bench or table with the action open and pointed in a safe direction, or placed in a holster with the action closed, the hammer down and no magazine in the gun. NOTE: Horizontal shoulder holsters are prohibited for use with loaded handguns;
- Rifles must be either:
1) Placed in a rifle rack with the action open; or
2) Left on the bench with the action open, magazine removed and a chamber flag in the rifle. NOTE – Flag must be an actual chamber flag and must be clearly visible outside of the chamber. - Shotguns must be placed in a rack.
- Applicable to all ranges, rifles and pistols: When a range is declared "safe," no one may touch or handle any firearms, this includes any adjustments or “tweaks”. Additionally, all shooters on ranges 1, 3, and 4 should step back from the benches.
- During sanctioned matches and training classes, firearms are to be made safe as directed by the Match Director or Approved Instructor.
General Rules Applicable to All Ranges
- Eye and Ear Protection must be worn by shooters and spectators at all times except on the Archery Range. Eye protection must be worn on the Archery range only when not on the covered firing line.
- All firearms not sighted in must be initially shot and sighted in at a 25yd or 50yd target before being shot at longer distances;
- No fully automatic or burst-fire firearms are permitted on Club property;
- No simulated automatic fire devices are permitted, including but not limited to “Hellfire” or “bump-fire” devices, binary triggers, or anything else that simulates fully automatic fire; and any rapid fire must be done in a controlled manner;
- No 50 BMG or other military 50 caliber or larger firearms may be fired on any Club range;
- No incendiary, tracer or exploding ammunition or targets may be used;
- No Armor Piercing/steel core bullets may be used on steel targets or steel backstops;
- Pistol calibers larger than 44 Magnum, including but not limited to S&W 460 and 500 pistols must be fired on Range No. 1, Pistol Cell 11, or Rifle/Pistol Bay Y;
- No firearm with a muzzle energy greater than 5,500 ft/lbs can be fired. (Muzzle Energy = bullet wt. (grains) X Muzzle Velocity (ft/sec) Squared/450240);
- No alcoholic beverages are allowed anywhere on Club property
- When there is standing water on Range 1, 3 or 4, that range is closed until the water drains;
- To protect the ranges, there is no driving or parking on the range grass.
- When finished shooting, all targets and any other trash must be cleaned up and disposed of properly. Steel cases must be picked up and thrown away. Brass cases may be left behind.
Approved targets and target placement
- Only paper or cardboard targets may be used. Targets should be removed from the target boards when finished shooting.
- Targets are to be properly stapled to Club-provided backstops such that:
1) Bullets are not likely to hit and damage target frames;
2) Bullets will impact the back berms/backstops and not side berms, walls, or floor; - Target frames are not to be moved without written permission from the Board;
Direction of Fire
- All rounds must impact the back berms/backstops;
- Rounds must be fired at 90° to the back berms, i.e. no cross-range shooting;
- No shooting into side berms, except during Board-approved matches and events.
- When clearing a gun always point it in a safe direction. Point towards the back berm/backstop when possible.
Range Availability & Range Officers
- During non-supervised shooting hours, the first Member on the range will be the Acting Range Officer. Each range has an orange safety vest provided. The Acting Range Officer should wear this vest and will be responsible for confirming and communicating when a range is Hot or Cold. Upon leaving he or she will transfer this function to another Member if the range is still in use.
- Members should remember that it is their job while on Club property to protect the Club, including following and enforcing Club Rules.
Administrative Rules
Access to Club property
- Do not give gate code or access badge to anyone;
- Must wear Primary Member or Associate Member Badge at all times on Club property such that the badge is clearly visible.
- Do not allow others to follow you through the gate unless they are displaying their access badge.
Guest Privileges
- Primary and Associate Members can bring family members to the Club;
- Primary Members can bring up to two guests to the Club.
- Family Members must be in the presence of the Primary Member or Associate Member and under their direct supervision;
- Guests must be in the presence of the Primary Member and under their direct supervision.
Shooting Hours are 8:00AM until:
January - February 6:00pm
March 6:30pm prior to beginning of Daylight Savings Time
March 7:30pm when Daylight Savings Time begins
April - May 8:00pm
June – July 8:30pm
August 8:00pm
September 7:30pm
October 7:00pm
November 6:30pm during Daylight Savings Time
November 5:30pm after Daylight Savings Time ends
December 5:30pm
Special Shotgun Range Hours:
- Wednesday 9:00am to 3:00pm
- Saturday & Sunday 8:00am to 3:00pm
Special Rules for Lighted Pistol Cells Only:
- Pistol cells that are equipped with lighting are open for shooting from 8:00am until 8:30pm.
- At 8:30pm, “night lights” will remain on ONLY to allow Members to collect their gear. There is no shooting after 8:30pm.
Preservation of Club Property and Equipment
- Used targets, ammo boxes, etc. are to be placed in trash cans.
- Do not put live ammo in trash cans. Designated Live Ammo disposal containers are available.
- Aluminum and steel cartridge cases must be picked up and placed in the trash cans.
- Do not throw away reloadable brass cases.
- Deliberate destruction of Club property, equipment or facilities will result in loss of Membership and criminal prosecution.
- No driving or parking on Club grass, ranges, bays or cells.
Specific Range Rules
Range No. 1
- There is a light/bell system on Range 1 for added safety. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO SHOOTING OR GUN HANDLINGWHEN THE RED LIGHTS ARE ON. There are three activation buttons, one at each end of the line and one in the center. After the range is called COLD, at least one of the buttons should be pulled to activate the lights and the bell. If the lights are flashing, the range is COLD. If you do not understand the system, or if you are unable to make it work, you must contact an on-duty Range Officer for instructions. When the range is called HOT again, the original button must be pressed. Keep in mind more than one button may be pulled. If unsure which button(s) were pulled, there will be a flashing amber indicator light above the button.
- Entire range is ONE range. It’s either all HOT or all COLD.
- The wall in the middle is to allow safe position shooting. i.e. prone from one side and not change the firing line from the other side.
- If anyone is position shooting the firing line becomes the point of the position shooting.
- No cross shooting. Only shoot targets that are directly in front of your shooting position.
- When there is standing water on the range it will be considered closed until the water drains.
- Before calling the range HOT, confirm no one is at the 300 yd target.
- Do not use armor-piercing ammo on any steel target
Range No. 2 - Pistol ranges, bays and cells
- Except for Pistol Bay Y, only pistol caliber handguns and rifles can be shot, up to and including .44 Magnum; No shotshells can be fired on any other pistol range, including shotshells from revolvers such as the Judge.
- Pistol Cells 16 AND 24 can be shot while seated. All shooting must be from behind the red line or chains. There is absolutely No Shooting from in front of the eyebrows. These eyebrows have been set at various heights but can be adjusted by a Range Officer to accommodate your height. They should be adjusted so that no part of the sky is visible while shooting.
Pistols Cells 17 – 23 can only be used while standing. These eyebrows have been set at various heights but can be adjusted by a Range Officer to accommodate your height. They should be adjusted so that no part of the sky is visible while shooting.
- Rifles chambered in traditional pistol cartridges can be fired on any pistol range except Tin Can Alley, which is .22 rimfire only.
- Members with a valid Carbine Variance Badge, can shoot certain caliber rifles on Bay B and C pursuant to the Variance Rules. (See Section 7 for Carbine Variance Rules);
- Steel Targets
- All shooting must be done from behind the established shooting line. The line will be indicated by a red chain across the cell. The chain should be connected across the cell when shooting.
- Shooting must be done perpendicular to the steel targets; i.e. not at an angle;
- Shotguns cannot be used on any plate racks, other than those in the designated “Home Defense Shotgun Bay”, Cell 6;
- Repaint the plates when finished shooting.
Specialty Bay Y
- Shotguns, rifles, and pistols of any gauge/caliber can be fired on Bay Y; (Must adhere to maximum muzzle energy rule. Safety rule 3 I.)
- All rounds must land in the bullet trap;
- Do not shoot rearward of the berm between Bay Y and Bay X.
Range No. 3 - .22 Rimfire Rifles & Pistols
- Only NON-MAGNUM .22 Rimfire cartridges (Long Rifle, Long, & Short) and air guns up to and including .25 caliber may be fired;
- .17 caliber rimfire rifle and pistols cannot be fired on Range No.3. They must be shot on Ranges 1, 4 or Bay Y;
- Absolutely no center fire calibers may be fired on Range No. 3.
- Position shooting must be from concrete pad only.
- No cross shooting. Only shoot targets that are directly in front of your shooting position.
Range No. 4 – Bench Rest Rifle
- All shooting must be done from a benchrest position with the rifle fully supported with benchrest equipment; i.e. the shooter’s arm is not a proper benchrest support;
- Sand bags, commercial, homemade supports are acceptable
- Bi-Pods used from the bench are allowed.
- Rests must be stable and in good working condition;
- The barrel cannot be higher than 12 inches above the bench;
- Absolutely no rapid fire (1 round every 6 seconds)
- No cross shooting. Only shoot targets that are directly in front of your shooting position.
Archery Range
- No broadheads are to be used on Club targets; personal targets are allowed.
- Animal targets must be returned to the storage area when finished;
- Not more than 2 people on the shooting stand at one time.
Shotgun Range
- Shot must be no larger than size 7 ½, except on patterning board;
- Slugs cannot be shot on the shotgun ranges, only on Range No. 1;
- Only lead shot can be used on the shotgun ranges, including on the patterning board. No steel (or alternative shot), Buck shot, or slugs may be used.
- Except for chronograph work or patterning, all shooting must be at clay targets thrown from approved machines or hand throwers. There are no exceptions.
- All shot patterning is restricted to the designated areas.
- Always keep the shotgun's action open and unloaded when not standing within the boundaries of a shooting station.
- Never load a shell when not on a shooting station preparing to shoot.
- Unload your shotgun before leaving the shooting station.
- Under no circumstances is the shooter to load more than two (2) shells at a time.
Carbine Variances
- Eligibility requirements to obtain a Carbine Variance: (CANNOT BE WAIVED)
- Primary or Associate Member of PSC in good standing;
- Current member of IDPA, USPSA, SASS or competitor in the AR Match;
- Submit proof (PSC electronic form) annually of shooting a minimum of three IDPA, USPSA, or ARM/ARC matches at PSC in the preceding calendar year, or SASS matches held elsewhere. Any combination of IDPA, USPSA, ARM/ARC or SASS matches will be acceptable.
- Variance appliesONLYto Bays 2B and 2C and no others!
- Bay 2B and 2C are pistol bays and carbine shooters do not have priority;
- Pistol shooters are requested to use other pistol bays when they are available;
- Must wear current, valid Carbine Variance Badge (CVB);
- Guests and family members of a Member with a CVB can shoot carbines under the direct supervision of the Member;
- Carbine Variance Badges are available to Associate Members who meet the eligibility requirements;
- Caliber restrictions:
- .223/5.56 and variants 6.5, 6.8, 300 Blackout, 50 Beowulf, 7.62 x 39;
- Straight-wall pistol calibers;
- 30 M1 Carbine.
9. Targets – All regular Club target rules apply
10. Firing line:
a. Do not shoot rearward of any dividing berm;
b. Not more than one person can be firing at the same time, unless all shooters are stationary;
c. The shooter closest to the target berm is the firing line; i.e. no one can handle, much less shoot, firearms if they are behind the shooter closest to the target berm.